Baldness is something that really changes the entire personality of a person. You lose self-confidence and it lowers the self-esteem as well. No doubt you look older than your age when you are bald or facing hair loss problem. You always miss something in your look and personality whenever you look in to the mirror to dress up yourself especially on important events where your personality really matters. It is a simple, yet unique technique. Best Hair Transplant in Pakistan is more economical and affordable. Hair restoration procedure is a permanent solution to baldness. It does not require any maintenance.

FUT vs FUE Hair Transplantation

Procedure of Hair Transplant

Meeting the physician by taking photographs of your hair loss area before procedure to keep the record. After finalizing the details of the procedure, Position and shape of hair line is design by using a surgical pen. Selecting the donor area Preparation of donor area is the important job which can be done by a skilled surgeon only. Trimming in the donor area, assuring to reserve the surrounding hair with rubber bands to cover the donor area after the procedure.

Giving local anesthesia to numb the donor area and ensuring that the patient is completely comfortable during the removal of the strip. Once the donor strip removed that area is stitched backed using latest Trichophytic scar technique and the protected hair (the one with the rubber band) will completely cover the sewed area.

Once the donor tissue is dissected the follicular units will be prepared for placement. The donor stripes will be divided into slivers and follicle grouping which comprises of one, two, three, or four follicles. Tiny openings on the scalp will be made using disposable sharp pint instrument for the follicular units to be placed in the marked bald area. Inspection and strick cheek of the newly placed grafts to guarantee proper placement. Hair restoration is complete. Upon completion of the FUT procedure a bandage is applied to the donor area for a day.

Care After FUT Hair Transplant

  • Bending of your head for uplifting the pencil from the ground is prohibited for 48 hours.
  • While sleeping your head should be raised with pillows for the first two nights after the surgery.
  • Pizzy drinks, aspiring and multi vitamins are strictly prohibited in first 48 Hours.
  • Those who are taking Aspirin should stop Aspirin 48 hours before surgery after consulting his Doctor.
  • You can wash hair after 48 Hours.
  • Keep washing your hair on daily basis till the removal of the stitches.
  • You can’t take shower upon your new transplanted hair for 10 days although you can take on the rest of the body.
  • You can’t use hair dryer for the first 10 days in the newly transplanted area.
  • Revisit after 10-12 days for the removal of the stitches. If you are in abroad, any doctor can remove these stitches easily with in no time. Moreover we also give you an instruction paper for the doctor who remove your stitches.
  • You may see the final result after a year.
FUT Hair Transplant Technology

Benefits of FUT Hair Transplant

  • Less time consuming procedure
  • Less expensive
  • Mostly used procedure

Drawbacks of FUT Hair Transplant

  • More invasive than FUE
  • Cause more dismfort than FUE
  • May result in scar in the donor area.although use of Trichophytic scar closure guarantee you minimal scar visibility even upon close examination.
  • Elixir Hair Transplant, Skin Laser & Cosmetic Surgery Center Islamabad always stitches the donor area wound with the help of Trichophytic scar closure technique. That is why we are unique. minimal scar visibility even upon close examination.

So what are you Waiting For?

Visit Elixir today. Let us bring back your Natural Hair with the ultimate natural and undetectable hairline.